Page name: X-Men Danger Room [Logged in view] [RSS]
2015-06-15 06:09:56
Last author: Asdroth
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By far the most important room to the general population of the mansion, the danger room doesn't look like much when first entered from the X-Men Complex South hall. But unseen inside the walls are numerous high tech holographic projectors. The center of the floor is a slightly raised platform with more projectors within and a track that moves to allow an ultimate amount of space to exist. A panel on the wall next to the door controls the entire room and can be accessed using the correct codes. Practically any scenario is possible in this room, and it is mainly used for training and power practice.

X-Men Time

Monday, May 25th

So, Shawn was going to have to go first. He pulled out a spare magazine from his bag and loaded it up, putting it to one side before looking down at the range. He knew the timer would start with his first shot. His tactic would be to deal with the closer targets first. As he lined up a shot with the nearest silhouette, a cough tickled his throat as he fired, causing the shot to totally miss any of the targets. He quickly pulled back the bolt, the timer already silently ticking away. He aimed at the target again and quickly fired, the shot hitting the center of the head. Shocked at his luck, he pulled the bolt and aimed at the next - it was sliding left and right and he decided a chest shot would be more likely to hit. The third shot hit the middle of the chest, not bad. Bolt back, shell ejected, new round in chamber, aim at a medium distance target popping up from the ground, fire. Another head hit! He was grinning despite needing to stay focussed. Readying the last round in his magazine, he aimed at another near target, looking to take it in the head. The bullet passed through where the target's left eye would have been. He had little time left as he ejected the last casing, slid his empty magazine out of his rifle, and plugged the new one into place. He aimed down range at a target fairly central to him, but down range. The shot went wide, the head being his target. Already pulling back the bolt on his rifle, a claxon sounded indicating his time was up. He sighed and stood back to check the score on his display. "10. I can live with that." A sudden thought came to him. "What do we get if we win? Anyone want to suggest a prize?"

"Of course I know how to fire an AR," Kiora called over the sound of Shawn's shots, "What do you think I am, a ninny?" She watched Shawn take his shots with a smirk in her lips. "Not bad for a bolt action." She said almost tauntingly once he finished. When he said something about a prize she bounced, raising a hand as David's rifle rested against her opposite shoulder, "Oh! Oh! I know! I can give the winner a kiss!"

"Well no, it's just not like a pistol." David Purked up at the offer of a kiss with Kiora. Was she wanting him to win so she could kiss him?! Did she want to be his girl?! David was thinking with his head in the clouds at the moment, and had trouble thinking of the alternative. If he lost to Shawn.

Shawn's blush was mainly hidden by the chitin on his face - Kiora looked great in spite of the fur. His mind wandered to whether her fur would be coarse or soft. He returned to focussing on the conversation at hand. "Sounds fine by me, but what if you win? What could you possibly want?" He wondered whether his score was high enough to win and find out about Kiora's fur. He found himself tracing the shape of her body with his eyes and immediately turned his attention to David with an innocent face.

"Of course it's not like a pistol, silly." Kiora told David before looking between the two boys, they both seemed to like her idea. When Shawn asked what she would win, she grinned at him, "Then I guess I don't have to kiss anybody." She said, sticking her tongue out, "Though I guess it would be only fair if I got a kiss for winning too."

David Smiled and let the slide forward on his pistol as if not hearing Kiora's comment and fired away down the range his shots feel well at first two head shots, but then the next three landed in the torso, followed by a round barly hitting the target. The last four feel some what better in place. Three legs and then one fine one in the neck. "fourteen... Great..." David muttered to himself. There was no way Kiora was going to shoot less than that... She had a large mag and almost no recoil off the rifle- David then shrugged. "If you win you pi
ck who you kiss?" He offered her sliding the mag out and then letting the slide on his pistol go forward as he placed it back into his holster. "Sound fare to you Shawn?"

"Definitely fair," Shawn said, trying to act nonchalant while cleaning the end of his rifle's barrel, wiping away the cordite dust. He tried to not let David's score bother him, tried to remind himself that he'd been using a bolt-action rifle and David had a semi-automatic pistol. It would be interesting to see how Kiora did.

Kiora smiled smugly. She knew she could probably get all 30 rounds off in a minute, this should be a cake walk. She shouldered the rifle and liked up a shot with the red dot sight. Her first ten shots or so were mediocre, hitting the outside of the silhouette, with a couple shots narrowly missing. After that she seemed to be warming up a bit, her shot groups tightening a bit to avoid any misses, but her last ten or so shots mostly went wide or barely winged targets. She lowered the weapon, frowning. With one head shot, a couple hearts, and the rest single point hits and misses she'd tied David with fifteen points.

Shawn's eyes widened. This was an interesting development. "So. We need a tie break." He rubbed at the chitinous patch on his chin. "How about most accurate quick draw? Go from 'at ease' to firing in less than a second, bullseye targets?"

Davids Ears were killing his and his head was hurting. If the range was outdoor he would gladly go again, but in here it was just to much. "I'll give it to Kiora." The truth was he didn't want to pull the trigger again. His ears already felt like they were going to fall off.

Kiora grinned almost preditorily, "You sure you don't want to fight me for it?" She asked with a wink, "Otherwise, I may just make you both give me a kiss."

"Up to you, man," Shawn said with as neutral a face as possible. He had a feeling that there was some connection between the others already, but he couldn't help feel attracted to the blue-furred mutant - she was shapely, and had a wild beauty. Still, he didn't want to antagonise the animalistic David in any way - maybe, if he was 'forced' to kiss Kiora, he could make it minimal enough to seem not that into it, but good enough that she might want to come back for more.

David stood there a moment then Shrugged. What was one more round... "I'll shoot one more time." David reloaded his pistol then got an idea. "Ever do a ready up Kiora?" He asked with an interesting idea in mind. They could shoot until one missed a target, odds were with Kioras carless style she would miss before him.

"I don't think so." Kiora shook her head, "What is it?" She was sure it was probably some sort of training exercise, so she may have done it before, but she'd never heard the term.

"So what a series of targets are going to populate and disappear. The targets can be up for as long as two seconds or as short as half a second. If you miss six or more targets you loose." David decided to keep it to himself that the targets at closer ranges would drop faster than the ones at father distance. He hopped this would work in his favor as he set up the next round.

"Alright." Kiora said brightly, "I've done something like that before." She'd never had fancy targets that popped up on their own, but she'd done similar exercises. "Want your AR back? Or do you want to keep using my pistol?"

This could be interesting. Shawn made sure his rifle was safe for stowing before bagging it and then took up a position not far from the two furred mutants. "I think you both need to use the same weapon. If you guys aren't equally matched between rifles and pistols then that's that. Question is, which weapon do you use?" He pulled a quarter from his pocket and held it out on his thumb ready to flip. "Let fate decide?"

"Heads rifle, tails pistols?" David asked Kiora with a grin. He hopped for rifles. It would be easier for Kiora to get trigger happy with more rounds.

"Ooh, sounds good to me." Kiora said with a confident nod. She didn't care too much which weapon they used.

With a quick flick of his thumb, Shawn sent the coin up into the air and deftly caught it in one of his palms. He revealed it to the other two: "Tails," he announced before pocketing the quarter again. "All yours, guys, time to settle this draw."

"You first Kiora." David Smiled to her, hopping she would not do to well. It would also let him know how much time he had before he needed to stop.

X-Men Complex South

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2012-11-23 [Dwarf Ronin]: Gotcha, just wanted to help out.

2012-11-23 [Duredhel]: I think you can post now, guys :>

2012-11-23 [Figgy]: Uhm, just an fyi, and I know more than one person has done it, but when someone 'barks' at someone, they are not actually barking. It doesn't actually mean 'woof'... it's more of a loud, sudden yell >_> So I don't know if anyone would be sitting there going "Don't bark at meee D:"

And just in case, this doesn't mean delete your post, since that has happened twice today XD It is just a helpful hint of the day.

2012-11-23 [twitchboy]: i know that she didn't physically bark. Its like a harsh yell and since you don't actually know me as a person i say a lot of stuff under my breath when im mad, he has basically been through an entire speech in a cursing mumble to vent i just highlighted the relavent parts

2012-11-23 [Figgy]: It's not the description in the post that I'm worried about, it's the fact that he's mumbling, "she barked at me..." when, if someone said that normally, they would be referencing a 'woof' in their general direction. And, even if that weren't the case, I could call a sort of unimportant metagaming in that sense, that Justin is vocally repeating what was written to describe something. Sorry, it just doesn't work well with me XD
Someone else has done the very same thing with the word 'hiss', in which a person hissed words at someone, and it was written in response that the person actually hissed at them, which just doesn't work well.
Sorry, I'm just very peculiar about the English language and writing.

2012-11-23 [twitchboy]: I suppose its the case of not thinking about a purple penguin

2012-11-23 [Flisky]: In Addy's case, when she hisses, it is an actual hiss. XD

2012-11-24 [The Black Goat]: Phone:

Caleb smiled at Daniela and motioned to the recently added chairs. "I bet!" He joked as he took a seat and patted the chair beside him. "Come on."

2012-11-24 [XxTsomexX]: Zeke was thrown off from where she was when the room moved, causing her ability to sense vibrations to go haywire. It was only for a moment, but it was enough to her her cursing under her breath, but loudly enough that someone near her could hear her choice words. She eventually managed to find a seat and sat down, feet flat on the floor. She slouched over, elbows on her knees with her fingers laced in front of her.

Jonas back off from the wall quickly when the room came to life. He'd almost forgotten it was a giant electrical room. Suddenly feeling even more uncomfortable, the tall boy cleared his throat and stood in a relaxed military stance, hands behind his back and his legs spread slightly so his knees weren't locked. He stood at attention, making sure not to touch anything as he waited for the hologram to make it's speech.

Endelyn was just about to walk up to Vlad when the room started doing it's movements. She was used to the danger room doing it's electronical thing by now. She looked to the hologram and nodded, thinking it worked like Addy's cellphone, and he could see and hear everything the students were doing. She walked past Justin and patted his shoulder, as if trying to tell him to cheer up. She then looked up and saw Nathan just chilling on the railing, so she walked over. "Are you not going to sit down?" She asked.

2012-11-24 [Roma]: Laaaaaaaaaaaame. Sorry for the hold up.

2012-11-24 [AccountUnavaili able]: If Vlad (or anyone) needs Lucas anywhere, just have him tapped on the shoulder, was unsure about what was going on so just sat him down...

2012-11-24 [Roma]: You did the right thing. Everyone sitting down and listening will get this plot twist up and running more quickly.

2012-11-25 [ZeoOfFire]: Phone: Catherine was still severely confused, with Lucas and Justin not entirely helping the situation. Seeing the hologram, she became more confused again. Nevertheless, she took her seat, and awaited some form of explanation.

2012-11-25 [Duredhel]: And so,it begins.

2012-11-25 [twitchboy]: Justin's going t be living in the Danger room now lol. CONQUER ALL THE TESTS!

2012-11-25 [Duredhel]: Post guys, post :O!
There's no set order here right now, just post whenever you can.

2012-11-25 [Lepellier]: The chase is afoot.

2012-11-25 [twitchboy]: Believable reaction?

2012-11-25 [ZeoOfFire]: Catherine's up, but she's very grumpy about it. I think she's a bit numb to fear (for now) after everything that's happened.

2012-11-25 [XxTsomexX]: Zeke's expression was unreadable as she could merely listen to the recording. She could hear the whispers from the other students, and some of the things said made the corner of her mouth twitch into a smile. She thought having no teachers meant they could have fun, but as she heard the recording, the situation started to seem more serious. She barely noticed Halo taking the seat next to her, except for her subtle vibrations Zeke was able to recognise. "Whattya think of his whole thing?" She questioned, turning her head in the girl's direction.

Jonas listened to the recording, watching the hologram silently. So a war, huh? He was finally going to live his childhood dream, to be a soilder like his father. A few years ago he would've asked where he could sign up, but now, a heavy feeling sunk over him, giving him a numb sort of feeling. These were a lot of people together that couldn't be more different, all having to put apart their differences and to help eachother. He wasn't sure if they all could do it.

Endelyn stood with Nathan and looked at the hologram, just as everyone else did. She stared at it for a while, paying attention to every word and every emotion shown. So all of the teachers were gone. With the thought of no adults, Endelyn couldn't help but feel a little worried. She shook her head slightly. She was more hoping that the teachers were okay, despite the hologram making it sound like that wasn't likely. "So we all must pitch in together to help one another." She said and smiled slightly.

2012-11-25 [Roma]: Will post today or tomorrow

2012-11-28 [twitchboy]: lets see... denial(check), anger(check), bargaining(check), depression.... in it i think?

2012-11-28 [Duredhel]: Feel free to post, guys.

2012-11-28 [The Past]: Too much stuuuuufff on the page D:

2012-11-29 [Figgy]: Hey, guys, since there's about to be some major plot going on outside of the DR, I wanna ask that everyone keeps their characters inside the DR for now until I say it is ok to have them leave, kay?

2012-11-29 [Lepellier]: I'll post again soon...I'm having issues with my internet right now...

2012-11-29 [Ms. Steel]: Aye, aye.

2012-11-30 [Roma]: Post tomorrow for sure. Busy week this week.

2012-11-30 [Figgy]: Entiendo.

2012-11-30 [Duredhel]: Needs more postages D:!

2012-12-01 [Roma]: Real posts make Roma happy. I love this damn RP. That goes straight to my heart. Tomorrow well After noon. 3 = post!

2012-12-01 [Lepellier]: I feel like there hasn't been much relay about what happened a few days ago to some of the people in the mansion, no?

2012-12-01 [Duredhel]: Cmon guys :> if we hurry we can go to next in-game day in the next week or two.

2012-12-01 [Flisky]: I'm waiting oh so patiently. :P

2012-12-01 [Roma]: As soon as Dur checks his messages, my Vlad post will be up

2012-12-01 [Duredhel]: Sorreeeh :>

2012-12-02 [XxTsomexX]: During everything thy was going on, Jonas seemed to relax slightly, moreso than before. He looked around and stayed silent, making note of names as they were mentioned. He didn't see many people he knew, and with all of the commotion, he just felt uncomfortable. When the simulations were done moving around, Jonas looked around the now livingroom, still too cautious to touch anything.

Endelyn hugged herself lightly and watched Nathan as he went to talk to Vlad. She cleared her throat slightly and watched the room change intoga livingroom. The Danger room had always intrigued her, since she wasn't all that used to technology. She shook her head for a brief moment and walked over to Addy, just wanting to be close to someone she knew well.

Zeke sat calmly where she was, trying to pick out all the important details people were muttering, though it was not an easy task. Her blind eyes focused on one part of the floor as she listened. Even as the room changed, she did not move. There were so many people talking at once, she was finding it hard to keep up.

2012-12-04 [Figgy]: "2012-11-29 [Figgy]: Hey, guys, since there's about to be some major plot going on outside of the DR, I wanna ask that everyone keeps their characters inside the DR for now until I say it is ok to have them leave, kay?"

Just quoting that as a reminder. Don't change any posts though.

2012-12-04 [Flisky]: Addy was going to leave for the past three posts...She just needed to wait for Vlad.

I don't know why Justin followed her, though. :/

2012-12-04 [twitchboy]: I was leading up to helping the kids outside even before the message along with Lucas, aside from Addy but since she went he followed
I even mssged Figgs over its a while back but i guess i jumped the gun

2012-12-04 [Figgy]: Yeah, but, guys, seriously, I asked for people not to leave, no matter what was being planned...
Like I said, don't change posts, though.

2012-12-04 [twitchboy]: i mean it would be simple to change. it hasn't effected any plots and i thought you just meant to wait. Im sorry

2012-12-04 [Flisky]: ...almost as bad as meta-gaming, changing what a character was going to do because of a plotline...

2012-12-04 [Figgy]: ...are you serious? I never said change what anyone was going to do, I asked for people to hold off until I gave the okay. And as the GM, I have every right to ask this of players, whether it induces metagaming or not (and it does not :/).

2012-12-04 [Flisky]: Ignore me. I'm being whiny.

With everyone posting, though, and no one giving it a break, it's either post or get left behind. And that makes me sad. :(

2012-12-04 [Figgy]: I haven't posted with Shana yet. You guys can keep Justin and Addy outside for now, just please try not to move them outside of the grounds area or DR.

2012-12-04 [Figgy]: Like... you guys will KNOW when it's okay to leave the DR, promise.

2012-12-04 [twitchboy]: OK will do

2012-12-04 [Flisky]: Mihir got left behind too because I didn't want to post with him.

2012-12-04 [Figgy]: I've got a bit of homework to do and then I'm going to try to write up the entire plot scenario and post it tonight, that way people can start posting again.

2012-12-04 [The Past]: I'm kind of holding back on Flame for a bit, due to her being more of an emotional wreck. Didn't want to have her totally crushed to being fine and ordering others around right away, so will be delaying her a bit.

2012-12-04 [Flisky]: Just had a huge conversation about how we're not supposed to be moving...

2012-12-04 [XxTsomexX]: Yup, pretty much.

2012-12-04 [Figgy]: *headdesk*

Well, whoever goes outside the grounds or DR will get sent to the infirmary if they run into this mysterious guy. Just letting you all know >_>

2012-12-04 [Lirerial]: lol this is kinda like having a bunch of toddlers in one room and them knowing there's cake and ice cream right next door. "Now, now children just sit still for a little while longer!"

2012-12-04 [twitchboy]: lol man ok, flisky and i are sorry, but even after scolding and explanation.... it was blatantly funny.

2012-12-04 [Flisky]: At least we stayed in designated character okay places. :P

2012-12-04 [Figgy]: I swear I'm gonna try to finish all this today -_- It's finals week.

2012-12-04 [Flisky]: I remember having finals. And I never once studied for them. Got a lot of passing grades, but didn't study.

2012-12-04 [Lirerial]: lol I remember finals too hehe sooo fun :p

2012-12-04 [Figgy]: It's a bit impossible NOT to study for finals in two foreign languages, heh.

2012-12-04 [twitchboy]: Flisky... i now despise you lol.
Im neck deep in Electric magnetic Physics trying to find the magnetic field of a moving capacitor with dielectric, and have ET up on a separate window.

2012-12-04 [Figgy]: I give, you win, twitch.

2012-12-04 [Flisky]: Biology is so much easier than physics. So glad I'm taking classes to get a psychology degree rather than an engineer degree. My finals is a written paper on the effects of certain medications on a person with a specific mental disorder. Already finished and turned in weeks ago. You know, back when I had absolutely nothing better to do with my time.

2012-12-04 [Lirerial]: lol I'll have finals next semester :p I had to take this semester off due to my husband's wedding present lol

2012-12-04 [twitchboy]: It wasn't a competition Figgs lol. Im just a masochist lol jk


2012-12-04 [Flisky]: Yay! Mayhem! I LOVE mayhem!

2012-12-04 [Lirerial]: yay!!!

2012-12-04 [twitchboy]: If only bounce where here. She loves Mayhem

2012-12-04 [The Past]: .... I am starting to enjoy the new codename I have for Flame now... hehe.

2012-12-04 [Figgy]: Sooo, question... does anyone actually want their character to get like, life-threateningly injured in just a moment?

Or maybe one that they would like to drop, killed? >_>

2012-12-05 [Ms. Steel]: hmm. A tempting proposition.

2012-12-05 [Figgy]: Just lemme know :3

It can be more than one person, guys!

2012-12-05 [The Past]: Well if you NEED someone to get MAJORLY injured, Flame of course can regrow anything she needs really, but then again, she was in the infirmary not that long ago, hehe.

2012-12-05 [Figgy]: Eh, it's really only an 'if you want to' kinda thing XD

2012-12-05 [Flisky]: Mihir! Yes! Totally! (Am I too late?)

2012-12-05 [Figgy]: Nope! We can do Mihir too.

2012-12-05 [Flisky]: Yes! I love drama! XD

2012-12-05 [Flisky]: I should probably ask what you need us to do...ahehe.

2012-12-05 [Lirerial]: I wouldn't mind if Lire gets hurt; she can always use a new scar :)

2012-12-05 [Figgy]: Pretty much just have the character who you guys want to be injured, walk out into the complex south hall when I give the go-ahead :> (which will be posted as a GM post shortly). Have them react how they naturally would.

2012-12-05 [Figgy]: Sure :3

2012-12-05 [Figgy]: I've got Justin, Mihir, and Lire so far. Any more takers?

2012-12-05 [Lirerial]: ok ^_^

2012-12-05 [Flisky]: Gotcha.

2012-12-05 [Lepellier]: Ooh, ooh, Can Sam ride in on a giant missile or something? :P

2012-12-05 [Figgy]: .... No >_>

2012-12-05 [Lepellier]: Eh, I tried.

2012-12-05 [The Black Goat]: Awww caleb was going to tap that tonight lol

2012-12-05 [Lirerial]: lol I'm sure he could find a way to comfort her if she isn't hurt to bad

2012-12-05 [Figgy]: Aaaand, go :3

2012-12-05 [The Black Goat]: Hey, I know you just got blown up and all, but you know what would make you feel much better....


2012-12-05 [Lirerial]: hahahahahaha I could see him trying that

2012-12-05 [XxTsomexX]: If you want someone to kill, we could easily kill Jonas, since he is my least face of the three (never endelyn, since shes my fave.... and Zeke is just too fun to play) just let me know what we would need to do.

2012-12-05 [Figgy]: You really wanna kill him, tho? XD

2012-12-05 [XxTsomexX]: Oops dumb dumb me. Here is a Jonas post them. Kill him, fellows!

Despite the warnings not to go out, ash soon as the shots rang out, Jonas quickly went out into the x-men complex south.

Endelyn was about to protest Addy leaving, but she was gone before the brunette could open her mouth to utter a single word. She jumped nearly out of her skin when she heard the gunshots. Why people were going towards the shots however was beyond the girl. Running into possible danger in such a way. She walked over to Vlad and watched quietly, waiting to see what would happen.

Zeke snapped out of her thoughts when the sound of a gun rang out. She stood to her feet and whipped her head to look at the complex doorway, but did not move her feet from they were planted. "Halo. You still here?" She questioned of her friend, hoping to hear a reply from the other girl.

2012-12-05 [XxTsomexX]: Yup :) we can kill him. I'm quite alright with it.

2012-12-05 [Duredhel]: I can't post till Nox does cuz Dani is taking to Caleb 8>

2012-12-05 [Roma]: Tomorrow for Vlad

2012-12-05 [XxTsomexX]: Could someone throw my posts up there...?

2012-12-05 [The Past]: Sigh, starting to think it's pointless posting anything for Flame to say...

2012-12-05 [Figgy]: Hey Shana played along.

2012-12-05 [The Past]: And I have much <3 for her for that, heh

2012-12-05 [Ms. Steel]: I'll post with Kyle and Halo sometime this afternoon in here. So much the reading to do.

2012-12-06 [Figgy]: Guys, people can move outside of the DR now. Just keep in mind the scenario outside: Camille is in a dead heap in the corner, there is blood and GUTS everywhere, and students are covered in it, Mihir and Lire are bleeding themselves, and Nathan and Justin are on the floor, hurt pretty badly. So please, please, PLEASE have your chars react appropriately.

2012-12-06 [XxTsomexX]: Endelyn heard the chaos outside, and hadn't the slightest idea what to prepare for. Remembering seeing Nathan leave however, she mustered up as much bravery as she could, and went out into X-men Complex South, right after Flame.

Zeke let out a much needed sigh of relief that her roommate hadn't been one of the ones that ran out into the hallway. She shook her head, and heard the cursing tron Mihir. She hadn't realised it at first, but she recognised the voice. She walked to the door, but stopped when the smell from the hall hit her sensitive nose like a train wreck. She covered her nose and mouth and stumbled back, the feeling of nausea washing over her like a tide. "Oh my God..."

2012-12-06 [Flisky]: Oh, and it smells like burnt flesh. Don't forget that. XD

2012-12-06 [Duredhel]: So much shit to react to XD I might just not wait for Nox.

2012-12-06 [Flisky]: Dani's post is gonna be a mile long...

2012-12-06 [Figgy]: Nooooox, pooooooost

2012-12-09 [Duredhel]: Guys, mebbe we can start vacating this area? Danger already said the intruder is gone and the hurt mutants have been taken to the infirmary. I say you ignore the posting order and just try to get your chars somewhere less crowded?

2012-12-09 [The Past]: Going to wait until after work tomorrow to move Eddie out.

2012-12-09 [XxTsomexX]: Zeke grimmanced at the thought of going out there, but the smell had lessened greatly, which naturally made the girl curious. "Tobias... he's still in the cafeteria. We should go get him before he gets lost in the mansion." She said and immediately headed out into the X-men complex south.

2013-05-27 [twitchboy]: So if i wanted Justin to start Training do we just ask DANGER for a training scenario?

2013-05-27 [Figgy]: Will ask Dur about that.

2013-05-31 [twitchboy]: Justin is about to just throw his hands up in frustration

2013-05-31 [Duredhel]: Sorry XD
We're trying to make it so the DR is more for group stuff, since DR sessions take up a lot of GM time, attention and intervention, which is taxing to do for like... one char at a time. Gym stuff is more individual because it doesnt require much GMing :>

2013-05-31 [twitchboy]: lol kk

2014-01-09 [~Valkyrie~]: Feel free to just go at it for a while, unless you want to make Kiora do something.

2014-02-27 [Flisky]: Waiting on a Mark post...

2014-03-06 [Kbird]: I won't be on this weekend, I'm visting my grandma and she doesn't have internet access.

2014-04-09 [Flisky]: ...I'm trying to build my posts but it's getting harder when responding to two liners.

2014-04-09 [Kbird]: sorry...I probably should've made Quin more social..

2014-04-09 [Flisky]: Thoughts or actions or anything would be nice.

2014-04-09 [Kbird]: okay.

2014-04-15 [twitchboy]: i didn't know what else to say. he couldnt dive into the system lol danger would probably fry his ass lol

2014-04-22 [Kbird]: I personally am more of a dog person..but Quin..she likes Kitten and puppy sooooo much.

2014-04-22 [twitchboy]: so i hit the nail on the head?

2014-04-22 [Kbird]: XP pretty much. She has pictures of her family and their kittens, cats, and two dogs.

2014-04-28 [twitchboy]: poke

2014-04-28 [Flisky]: Crap. Apologies.

2014-04-30 [Figgy]: Poking again.

2014-05-21 [Kbird]: what happened to the posts?

2014-05-21 [Figgy]: We did a day change. They're in the Archives now.

2014-05-21 [Kbird]: oh okay. so Quin should be moved from her room now?

2014-05-21 [Figgy]: She can be anywhere you want her to be.

2014-06-01 [The Black Goat]: Rook tag =)

2014-06-01 [Flisky]: Sorry. On day three of really severe cramping and female issues. I'll try to post everywhere today.

2014-06-11 [The Black Goat]: Pokes

2014-06-16 [The Past]: I know it's a short line, did you want me to add more?

2014-06-16 [The Black Goat]: Nope, Nadine just doesn't want to freeze the fishes, I just didn't know if flisk was gonna post or not

2014-06-16 [The Past]: Okay. Feel free to not have to wait on me either, unless of course you are addressing Flame :) I'll have her more as an observer for now, she might run the course herself later on.

2014-06-16 [The Black Goat]: Sounds good

2014-06-23 [Flisky]: Sorry. Flisky died for a little while.

2014-06-23 [The Black Goat]: Is her body Noe being inhabited by a confused fire spirit

2014-06-24 [The Black Goat]: Past, do you want Flisk and I to wait for Flame posts or would our rather just have her stand back and watch and summarize her thoughts on it later?

2014-06-26 [The Black Goat]: umm anyone? I'd like to get nadine up to the pool so she can not flirt with rene and instead stare at him from the other side of the pool XD

2014-07-01 [The Past]: Pretty sure I said above in the comments you can move on without her. But I shall throw one up now.

2014-07-01 [The Black Goat]: Thank you!

2014-07-10 [The Black Goat]: Awww is Rook mad at Nadine? XD

2014-07-10 [Flisky]: Nah. He doesn't get mad at people. He gets frustrated.

2014-07-10 [The Black Goat]: Lol

2014-09-30 [~Valkyrie~]: I'm gonna go ahead and wait for Shawn

2014-09-30 [Asdroth]: Check Rodger! Charily mike.

2014-10-13 [The Black Goat]: man the mansion has got to be the most dangerous place in the world, powers aside, half the student population are gun experts for some reason XD

2014-10-13 [Figgy]: ^

2014-10-13 [~Valkyrie~]: Kiora is an ok shot, but I wouldn't call her an expert. More an enthusiast.

2014-10-13 [~Valkyrie~]: Redundant statement was redundant. :s

2014-10-13 [CuteCommander]: Shawn isn't what I'd call a combat shooter.

2014-10-13 [The Black Goat]: and yet in the danger room they're shooting really well, bullseyes and tightly packed center mass shots?

2014-10-13 [CuteCommander]: Shawn rolled a 20 :P

2014-10-13 [~Valkyrie~]: I didn't say tightly packed, I said she hit the silhouette. I can do that and I have no training. In fact I've been shooting maybe three times in my life, Kiora's been doing it since she was old enough to hold a gun straight.

2014-10-13 [Asdroth]: Hey nox from the guy in the combat mos. shooting a target that don't shoot back is simple(extra easy when there is no environment). I have been shooting ever scensce I was eight. I never qual lower than an expert at the range(in Kansas and it's always shitty weather, 50-80mph wind gusts always happening when the targets pop up). I didn't learn to shoot like that in the army. I learned from my dad, and with my friends shooting out in the county. Every shoot house I have been to I have tight groups center mass. Every time we train sim rounds, where we shoot at one and other I am dropping four to ten rounds to get a tag on the guys playing opp four(not always causing a killing blow if it were real), you have students who love an indoor range anyone can be a stone cold ace. It dose not always(and realy) translate to combate(by that I mean it dosent until your there, and in some they never pick it up). So I find nothing three people using there choice weapons on an indoor range could not realy do. Cuz I have done it well before the army. At a younger age then my character is now. Woo I should post. :D

2014-10-13 [The Black Goat]: Just an observation, I'd actually be pleasantly surprised if they faced real combat and didn't do well, everyone wants to play the badass after all

2014-10-13 [Asdroth]: Well I am one. So why wouldn't I role play what comes natural? ;P

2014-10-13 [Figgy]: Holy defensive attitude, Batman. What Nox is saying, and it definitely comes from a GM standpoint, apparently, is that it's really kind of ridiculous to have so many characters who are super skilled and fantastic at things like guns or swordfighting, hand to hand combat, or really super smart, etc etc. Everybody wants to be a badass and everyone wants to make a badass character. But the problem is that if everyone plays a badass, things get boring and redundant, very very fast. It's way more pleasant to have a character whose player intentionally lets them be bad at stuff. Take Daniela, for instance. She's bad at literally EVERYTHING, and that actually draws a lot of players to her, because she's fun.

So, Nox isn't saying "you're all morons for pretending your characters are experts", because by all the gun talk, we can obviously tell you're an expert, Asdroth. She's saying, it's nice to see players with some humility who knows their characters aren't the coolest in the world. The reason her comment seems directed at you three is because there are three students here who seem to be shooting REALLY well and almost hitting all their targets.

That said, I understand they can do fine indoors with no moving targets, but I'd like to see some misses when it comes to actual combat. ;3

2014-10-13 [The Black Goat]: ^ pretty much

Like I said, if actual fighting happens, I'd be happy (and surprised) if the characters who were shooting and talking like experts actually balked or fucked up when its time to take someone down. Most players who go on about how good their character is with a gun also plays: "my character is a total badass and takes out the guards with three neat shots"

And that's great and all, but it's nice to see some real characters who screw it up and miss or have a literal panic attack in the midst and cant do squat to help. Real world there's probably only one in a thousand (being generous) who is going to be as good as they're played up to be, but in game I find that number to be closer to one in three or so.

2014-10-13 [~Valkyrie~]: I wasn't intending to be defensive, I was just pointing out that what my character did wasn't all that remarkable, especially considering the training she has. Also, I'm pretty sure Asdroth's last comment was purely humorous.

The way I learned to roleplay combat was basically unless I decide for myself that my character missed, I leave it open ended so that the GM or the opposing player can decide how effective the hit was. As a player, I feel that's why Kiora looked like such a bumbling idiot when she fought Lire, but that's how it played out, I can't complain. I've rarely played bad ass characters in games that didn't involve dice. You should see my characters in the other X-Men game I'm in, one throws balls of light and the other is blind, lol.

2014-10-13 [Figgy]: XD Just a somewhat preemptive strike here, no one is shitting on anyone's RPing. Nox was just pointing out all the expertise or close-to-it here, and expressing that she'd like to see them fumble when it comes to legit combat. Just commentary :3

Also, I was calling Asdroth's long comment defensive. No one was doubting his expertise, but he was quick to defend it :P
And I recognize his last comment was humor, but unfortunately, lots of RPers in general do tend to think their characters would be cool and fun if they're super badass XD It just made me want to bring that point up, I guess.

2014-10-13 [Figgy]: Anyhow, if they're practicing shooting, shouldn't they be dealing with moving targets or an actual DR simulation? :O

2014-10-13 [~Valkyrie~]: They're all fairly new students, would they even know that's an option? lol

2014-10-13 [Figgy]: Maybe Tory would have shown Shawn?

2014-10-14 [CuteCommander]: Shawn will move them on to that, he's just warming up :D

From my standpoint, I always consider the context of my characters' actions alongside the roll of the d20. It means that unexpected things can happen - amateurs can pull off a sweet move, experts can completely fuck up (see the incident in the pool) :P

2014-10-14 [Asdroth]: David will likely cut and run when that comes up.

2014-10-14 [~Valkyrie~]: Aww, why?

2014-10-14 [Asdroth]: Where did I put him while he was away? At home with his dad. By the way CC that's not a bad idea. I think I may start using that.

2014-10-14 [Figgy]: That actually is a good idea CC, at least if it's a one-sided occurrence >_>

2014-10-18 [~Valkyrie~]: *pokes Asdroth*

2014-10-19 [~Valkyrie~]: Does this populate, dear? :p

2014-10-19 [Asdroth]: yes thank you

2014-11-01 [CuteCommander]: So, I suggest what you guys do is what I've done - one post for your round, with d20 rolls for each shot. Shawn only got off 6 shots with a bolt action rifle, so 1 each 10 seconds, so consider how many shots your guys can get off in 60 seconds with aiming reloading etc. How does that sound?

2014-11-01 [~Valkyrie~]: I think that sounds fine. I'll have to wait for Asdroth to get online and deffer to him on how many shots this rifle would fire and such.

2014-11-12 [Asdroth]: I like the idea!

2014-12-17 [~Valkyrie~]: Shit, I completely forgot about his. I'll try to make Asdroth help me when he gets off work.

2014-12-18 [~Valkyrie~]: I should have thought of making a post like that weeks ago

2015-01-13 [CuteCommander]: Daaaaavid

2015-01-16 [~Valkyrie~]: I'll see if I can tear Asdroth away from Shadow of Mordor. He's been glued to it since he cracked the seal this morning.

2015-01-17 [CuteCommander]: Tis addictive, especially when you get to the second area and start being able to brand captains!

2015-01-17 [~Valkyrie~]: Yeah, he wants me to watch him play all the time. While it's obviously fun to play, it's not very interesting to watch unless there's plot going on.

2015-01-17 [Figgy]: He should let you play it :|

2015-01-18 [~Valkyrie~]: I could play if he ever got off the X-Box, but it's not really my cup of tea. I prefer my Elder Scrolls games.

2015-02-01 [CuteCommander]: So, who did she decide to kiss? :P

2015-02-13 [~Valkyrie~]: She tied David. If you want to continue this we can ask Figgy to put the last few posts back up. If Asdroth gets home at a reasonable time tonight I'll try to get him to post

2015-02-13 [CuteCommander]: Nah, just wanted to know if Shawn needs to be all angsty about another girl (he probably will be either way)

2015-02-14 [~Valkyrie~]: We should probably figure out what happened about that though. Unless you guys want me to just say she won by a point or two instead of tying. Then maybe she would have made them both kiss her.

2015-02-14 [~Valkyrie~]: Just because I'm that kind of player, I would like to continue playing through this if you are up for it, CC. Asdroth says he is on board.

2015-02-14 [CuteCommander]: Yeah, sure!

2015-02-15 [~Valkyrie~]: ok, I'll grab a few of the last posts and stick them up. Now that the internet miraculously works, we'll be more reliable.

2015-05-11 [~Valkyrie~]: You forgot to post here Asdroth.

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